Tree Plantation at Southern University

As per the project of 1 lac tree plantation – “A tree for each and every person”, ‘1/24 Social Movement’ was today at Southern University, Chittagong, and 1000 trees were planted in the campus premises.

There, the plantation ceremony was inaugurated by the University’s Trustee board chairman, Alhajj Khalilur Rahman.

Besides the chairman, the ceremony was ornamented by the presence of the Vice-chancellor of the University Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nurul Mostafa, founder of ‘1/24 Social Movement’ – Mr. Mohammad Shahab Uddin, Assistant Professor, Management Department, University of Chittagong, Mr Jamal Uddin, advisor, ‘1/24 Social Movement’ and social reformer, Rubel Das, coordinator of ‘1/24 Social Movement’ and fellow teachers and students of the University.

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